Category: Personal

  • Mr. & Mrs. Pavel- 1 Year Anniversary

    Ever since I was young, like grade school young I remember trying to imagine what my life would be like some day… What my career would be, who my husband would be, maybe a doctor, maybe a superstar.. But above all the silly day dreaming I knew there was only one thing that was really…

  • Colorado Trip 2013

    So, it turns out I am not the only creative in our little household! Last year we went on a Colorado snowboarding/skiing trip! Heading out to the Colorado mountains use to be an annual thing for Andrew, but for me, it was my first time, and of course I had to bring along my Go Pro!…

  • $100 Giftcard Giveaway!! Enter to win now! | True Style, West Des Moines, IA

    To celebrate my new website, I’m doing a $100 gift card giveaway to local clothing store, True Style! This store has a little something for EVERYONE! Jeans, tops, dresses, cute little lace shoes, cowboy boots, necklaces, bracelets, perfume…! You can find something there for every occasion — possibly an engagement photo shoot, or a rehearsal…

  • Brooke Pavel Photography | Sparkly, New Rebrand! Coming Your Way Soon

    A new year, a new look! The name change and identity rebrand for my business will be coming at the first of the year! As you may know, I got married to my other half this summer, and it’s finally time for my business name to be updated to my new legal name, Brooke Pavel. I…

  • We have an Announcement!!:) First Comes Love, then Comes Marriage, then Comes…

    A HOUSE, yes a house!!:) Sorry, no baby yet! You need a house before a baby!:) Andrew and I are so excited that we have closed on a house, and officially become homeowners to a perfect ranch style house in Waukee, IA!:) We had done some research and found some houses we liked, and also…